8 type walking healing therapy

Walking Forward and Walking Backward

Walk slowly forward eight steps.
When you lift your leg up the arm on the same side as that leg should rise up.
Right leg up and right arm up.
Left leg up and left arm up.
Lift your heel, then knee, then foot as high as you can, but keep your balance.
Your foot might be one inch or 12 inches above the floor, depending upon
your ability and physical condition. Don't strain - go easy.
Keep your body upright, head up, and relax.
As you lift a leg up, your weight should be in the opposite leg with the knee bent.
As you place your foot down place your heel down first.
Step out only as far from the other foot as necessary while keeping the
weight on the opposite leg. Don't overstep.
Step gingerly, carefully, gently, and with caution. Walk like a cat.
Transfer weigh to the front leg and roll onto the ball then toes.
Lift your back heel, then knee, then toes. Move the leg to the front.

Walk slowly backward ten steps.
When you lift your leg up and back, the arm on the same side as that leg should move back.
Right leg up and back, and right arm back.
Left leg up and back, and left arm back.
Lift your toe, then knee, then heel.
Lift your leg as high as you can, but keep your balance.
Keep your body upright, head up, and relax.
As you lift a leg up, your weight should be in the opposite leg with the knee bent.
As you place your foot back and down place your toe down first.
Keep your feet apart and your foot to the side. Don't cross your feet.
Step gingerly, carefully, gently, and with caution. Step like a cat.
Transfer weigh to the back leg and roll onto the ball then heel

Repeat the exercise numerous times.
Concentrate on some aspect each time: balance, heel placed first when stepping
forward, same arm as leg, knee as high as possible, walking slowly, shifting weight
from side to side (empty-full), enjoying learning something new to do with your body
like a young child, smiling, breathing naturally but fully, retreating safely, gracefulness,
martial implications, etc.


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